Dear presenters at the ICGET 2023 conference,
We are excited to announce the possibility for you to publish your conference contributions in a special issue of Electrochimica Acta.
Invited presenters are welcome to submit a manuscript to the journal, with submissions being opened on September 11th. No publication charge will apply for the special issue and more detailed information about the submission procedure for this journal can be found on the website of Elsevier.
Looking forward to your submissions,
Guest editorial
Prof. Fu-Ming Wang
Abstract Submission
June 1 - September 17, 2023
Acceptance Notification
October 2, 2023
Early Bird Registration Deadline
September 25, 2023
Regular Registration Deadline
October 25, 2023October 28, 2023
2023 ICGET-Tw
October 26-28, 2023